Display the number of mails present on the transport server.
By defect, a sentence indicates the number of mails present.
With the option -n posting is limited to a number.
Display the characteristics of all the mails present on the server.
3 views are available:
-d option : display extended on several lines with possibility of
seeing the beginning of the message,
-s option : simplified display of one line for each mail,
-e option : simplified display of one line for each mail, the
address of the shipper is displayed in the place of
its name.
The default view is the one of the -s option.
In the simplified view (options -s and -e), the displayed lines
contain by default 80 characters. The option -w allows
to modify the number of characters per lines.
By default, the mails are sorted in the order of their arrival on
the server of transport. With the option -i they are sorted
from the last arrived to the first one.
Display the contents of a mail present on the server.
If a field of the header (in particular To: and Cc:) occupy several
lines, only the first line will be displayed. The downloading of the
mail will make it possible to see this field in entirety.
If the e-mail includes several sections, this command displays the
text of the e-mail and the names of the attached files.
By default, when the mail is available both in text version (text/plain)
and in html version (text/html), the version text/plain that is
Four options allow to display the text/html section after doing
several changes to make the content more readable.
The option -h displays the text/html section such as
it is in the mail.
The option -H displays the text of the text/html section
after taking off HTML tags and converting special characters
written &...;
The option -b displays the part of text/html section
from the tag <body ...>
The option -B displays the text of the part of the
text/html section from the tag <body ...> after
taking off HTML tags and converting several special
The interest of the options -b and -B is to avoid to
display the list of CSS definitions which is sometimes very long
on several mails without necessarily using the majority of these
definitions later in the mail !
Contrarily to the options -h and -H , they allow
to limit the display to the most important.
If a attached filename has at least 2 extensions, or only one
extention other than .exe , and than the contents of the
file starts with the signature of achievable MS-DOS/Windows , the
indication VIRUS ? will be also displayed.