These tools could be called separately or from the tools described in
the paragraph 6.
The files mails created have a name of the form e<number>
with a sequence number of 7 digits. They are memorized in the directory
sortie .
The text editor vi is used by defect.
If one prefers to use another editor, it will be enough to put
its name in the variable of environment $EDITOR.
Syntax: cremail [emails_directory]
Creation of a mail file.
Allows to seize the subject of the mail, the message, then to select
the recipients from the address book (file carnet-adr located
in the root directory of the mailer - 4th line of the configuration
One can also manually seize recipients who do not appear in the
address book.
All the types of recipients (principal, in copy and hidden copy) are
If a file signature was created in the root transport directory,
its contents, preceded by a line by indents, is added at the end of
the text of the created mails.
Syntax: repmail mail_filename [emails_directory]
Response to a received mail file.
The subject of the mail of answer is generated automatically.
The message is reproduced (principal fields of the header included)
with > on each line. The list of possible attached files (but not their
contents) is added at the end of the message. The possible signature
(see cremail) also appears.
One can seize the answer under editor vi or the editor mentioned
in the environment variable $EDITOR.
The choice of the recipients of the answer is done automatically
starting from a menu offering up to 9 possibilities.
Syntax: trsfmail mail_filename [emails_directory]
Redirection of a mail received towards other recipients.
The subject of the transferred mail is generated automatically.
The transferred mail includes the text of the mail (in text mode)
The possible signature of the reexpeditor is not added.
One can select the recipients starting from the address book and
choose some others which do not appear in it.
Syntax: joindre mail_filename [file_to_join]
Tool which makes it possible to add enclosures to a mail to send.
The names of the attached files can be passed in parameter or be seized
with the keyboard.
The possible spaces in the filenames are removed automatically.