Installation of Libremail
Installation of the applications
If you recovered the sources compressed file, start by decompressing
gunzip libremail.tar.gz
bunzip2 libremail.tar.bz2
Place the file libremail.tar in the directory of your
choice and unarchive it:
If you recovered a .zip file, only one stage is enough :
The various archival files will be recopied in under directory
Libremail .
Go in this directory and launch:
to compile the sources.
If you recovered the file with the executable programs, the installation
is done in a similar way, but without the need to run make
gunzip libremail-bin.tar.gz or bunzip2 libremail-bin.tar.bz2
tar -xvf libremail-bin.tar
The executable files of Libremail are ready, but the operating system
does not necessarily know where they have been installed.
Local installation or in the system dirertories
Up to version 2.1.4 of Libremail, the installation of Libremail was
done obligatorily in a directory chosen by the user (in general on
its account).
Since version 2.2 it is also possible to install Libremail in the
system directories, like all the other UNIX or GNU/Linux commands.
If you wish to preserve Libremail in a specific directory, it will
be necessary add the access to subdirectory libremail/bin in
the environment variable PATH .
For that, it is necessary to modify directly a file where the variable
PATH is declared: that means the file /etc/profile if
Libremail was installed for several users, or the file .bashrc
or .bash_profile) of your account in the opposite case.
In all the cases, let put an absolute access path to the directory
of establishment of Libremail.
You will need to you connect again (login) to take into account the
new path.
If on the contrary, you wish Libremail to be established at same
place than other commands of your operating system, that means in
/usr/bin, after the initial installation (finished by the
command make if you have
installed Libremail starting from the source files), it is necessary
for you to pass in super user (root) mode for launching, from the
directory where Libremail is established, the command :
Libremail could then be used by every user of the computer without
being necessary to modify environment variable PATH .
Last operation to reach your letter-box
It any more but does not remain you to create your file of
configuration (by basing you the file exemple.cfg) and the root
directory of your mails to be able to reach your letter-box.
Selection of a default language
Since version 2.0, the user interface of Libremail and the contents
of the mails generated by several filtering tools, are available
in all the languages of this Web site.
The various tools of Libremail analyze the environment variable
$LANG to choose the language of the user interface.
Consequently, if the environment variable $LANG has not been
initialized, or if it refers to a nonavailable language, Libremail
cannot work.
To be able to use Libremail in these 2 cases, it is necessary to
create data files mess-Libremail, mail-supbcc,
mail-supgros and mail-suphtm for a chosen default
The names of these files are obtained by removing the linguistic
suffix (a . followed of 2 letters) of the files from which they are
For a correct operation of the default language, It's better to
avoid using files whose name ends in -utf .
To create the files of the chosen default language, it is advised
to establish symbolic links rather than physical links or copies.
Thus, if the linguistic files evolve, there will be nothing to modify
for the default language.
For example to choose the English language as default language,
the commands:
ln -s mess-libremail.en mess-Libremail
ln -s mail-supbcc.en mail-supbcc
ln -s mail-supgros.en mail-supgros
ln -s mail-suphtm.en mail-suphtm
will be launched.
If one wishes that the files of the language by defect are used
systematically (thus, without holding account of the variable of
environment $LANG), it is necessary to add a file called
deflang-Libremail (it can be empty) in the directory containing
the commands of Libremail or in /usr/share/Libremail according
to the way in which Libremail will have been installed.
Installation of documentation
As for the the Libremail application files, one will start by making
a local installation. Then, it will be possible to put the man pages
of Libremail with the other man pages of the operating system.
If the file containing documentation is compressed, start with a
gunzip doclibremail-en.tar.gz
gunzip doclibremail-utf.tar.gz
gunzip doclibremail-iso.tar.gz
bunzip2 doclibremail-en.tar.bz2
bunzip2 doclibremail-utf.tar.bz2
bunzip2 doclibremail-iso.tar.bz2
(or command similar with another file).
Unarchive the file containing documentation:
tar -xvf doclibremail-en.tar
tar -xvf doclibremail-utf.tar
tar -xvf doclibremail-iso.tar
(or command similar with another file).
Subdirectory Libremail will contain one or more presentation
file (one file for each installed language), as well as man pages in
subdirectories of libremail/man .
More precisely, the man pages will be installed in the
directories :
- libremail/man/man1
for the english language,
- libremail/man/man5
- libremail/man/man7
- libremail/man/??/man1
for another language.
- libremail/??/man5
- libremail/??/man7
with ?? who is a language among : fr de es it nl pt eo .
For the languages other than English, the documentation filename
contains -utf or -iso to indicate the accented
charset used (UTF-8 and ISO8859-1).
If your man pages do not display or displayed with an incorrect
charset, you can use the other documentation file.
The man files are provided not compressed, which makes it possible to
see their real physical contents. On the other hand, the man pages
of Libremail occupy approximately 200 Kbytes by language.
In command to reduce this space, one will be able to compress the files
while launching since the directory containing all the malls of a
bzip2 man1/*.1 man5/*.5 man7/*.7
If the command bzip2 (the best compressor) is not available,
one will use gzip in the place.
If you chose to establish Libremail in /usr/bin with other
commands of the operating system, it is desirable that the man
pages of Libremail to be installed in /usr/share/man
For that, in super user (root) mode, from the directory
Libremail you will be able to launch command :
find man | cpio -pdmuv /usr/share
It is also possible to move the man files thanks to 2 mv
commands rather than to make a copy. For the man pages in
English language, the commands will be :
mv man/man1/* /usr/share/man/man1
mv man/man5/* /usr/share/man/man5
mv man/man7/* /usr/share/man/man7
In the case of a local installation of Libremail and its documentation,
if variable PATH was initialized to find the achievable files of
Libremail in .../libremail/bin, established man pages in
.../libremail/man is accessible.
If it is not the case, one can correct the problem by adding an access
path to the environment variable MANPATH .
If this environment variable was not declared, (frequent case),
it will be enough to add in /etc/profile (it is necessary to
be root for that), or on its account in the file .bashrc or
.bash_profile, 2 lines of the form:
export MANPATH
(by supposing that one was in /home/xxx when the documentation
file is unfiled).
The man pages will be accessible to next the login.