Filtering the mails from the server
- filtradr
Syntax: filtradr [-t trace_file] configuration_file
Destroy the mails of certain shippers identified by:
- their complete address,
- the address of a supplier of access @supplier_name,
- a generic address with variable parts.
The addresses to be refused are memorized in the refus_adrfile
located in the root directory of the mailer (4th line of the
configuration file).
The generic addresses call upon the following metacharacters:
- [....]
a series of characters fixed length, each character between [ ],
could be of a different type:
- a means that one will have to find a letter with this position
of the address,
- 9 means that one will have to find a figure at this place,
- x means that any character is accepted.
- a+ , 9+ or x+
a series of one or several letters, figures or characters
unspecified will be at this place (before the next fix
part of the address)
- a* , 9* or x*
idem with the preceding case except that this series of characters
of the type indicated is optional.
By default, the list of the shippers of mails which one destroys the
messages is not preserved.
If one wishes to do it, the option -t makes it possible to choose
the name of the file which will contain the addresses of shipper
(declared) of these malls and the date of their destruction.
- filtresujet
Syntax: filtresujet [-(o|O)] [-t trace_file] configuration_file
Destroy the malls of which of subject contains character strings
The character strings which one does not want to see appearing in the
subjects of the mails are memorized in the refus_sujet file
located in the root directory of the mailer (4th line of the
configuration file).
The syntax of the lines of heading of the mails (of which the one
containing the subject) imposes the use encodings for the special
characters, like accentuated characters. By default, the subjects of
the mails are examinated after conversion of these special characters.
The option -O makes it possible to examine the Original character
strings before conversion.
With the option -o, the original character strings and the
converted strings are both tested.
By default, the list of the mails which one refuses the subject is not
If one wishes to do it, the option -t makes it possible to choose
the name of the file which will contain the subjects of these mails
and the date of their destruction.
- filtredest
Syntax: filtredest [-(o|O)] [-t trace_file] configuration_file
Destroy the mails which one refuses the recipient.
This order is interesting for the spams when the same mail is sent to
several recipients having addresses alphabetically close.
The character strings which one does not want to see appearing as
recipient of the mails are memorized in the file refus_dest file
located in the root directory of the mailer (4th line of the
configuration file).
The syntax of the lines of heading of the mails (of which the one
containing the recipient) imposes the use encodings for the special
characters, like accentuated characters. By default, the recipients of
the mails are examinated after conversion of these special characters.
The option -O makes it possible to examine the Original character
strings before conversion.
With the option -o, the original character strings and the
converted strings are both tested.
By default, the list of the mails which one refuses the recipient is
not preserved.
If one wishes to do it, the option -t makes it possible to choose
the name of the file which will contain the recipients of these mails
and the date of their destruction.
- filtrechamp
Syntax: filtrechamp field_name [-(o|O)] [-f fich_liste] [-t trace_file]
Destroy the mails whose field name field contains character strings
It acts of an order generic than the 2 preceding ones.
The character strings which one does not want to see appearing in the
field_name field are memorized by defect in the file
refus_field_name located in the root directory of the mailer
(4th line of the configuration file).
It is possible to specify another file using the option -f.
By default, this file is recovered in the root directory of the
transport, unless an absolute access path is not specified, or
relative to this directory.
The syntax of the lines of heading of the mails imposes the use of
encodings for the special characters, among which accentuated characters.
By default, the selected fields are examinated after conversion of these
special characters.
The option -O makes it possible to examine the Original character
strings before conversion.
With the option -o, the original character strings and the
converted strings are both tested.
By default, the list of the mails which one filters starting from a
field is not preserved.
If one wishes to do it, the option -t makes it possible to choose
the name of the file which will contain the field name field of these
mails and the date of their destruction.
- selhtm
Syntax: selhtm configuration_file file_liste1 file_liste2
Analyze the header of the mails and memorizes in 2 distinct files:
- those of the traditional mails (with part in text mode),
- those of the mails in pure HTML.
- suphtm
Syntax: suphtm [-pd|-p prefix] [-e|-s] [-m email_answer_file]
[-t address_file] configuration_file
Destroy the mails in pure HTML (often of not requested publicities)
and try to inform their shipper (who for publicities give a false address
most of the time!).
By default, when this field exists, the warning mail is sent to the
address appearing in the Return-Path field: (address in return)
appearing in the heading of the destroyed mail, rather than to the
address of the declared shipper (From field:), who is not always the
real shipper.
But the use of the address in return can make problem if the mail
results from a discussion or diffusion list (mailling list). The
option -e makes it possible to send the warning mails to the
addresses of shippers (From field:)
By default, the warning mail is sent with the true address of
the recipient who refused the message. The problem is that some
suppliers of spams use the addresses of the messages sent in
response to spam even more!
The option -p makes it possible to add a prefix with the address
which will appear in the heading of the mail.
The prefix by defect (option -pd) is suphtm.
For example if the address of the shipper is:,
the shipper appearing in the heading of the mall sent will be:
One can put the prefix of its choice by using syntax:
suphtm -p prefix_chosen configuration_file
The option -s is a "quiet" option. No mail is sent to inform the
shippers of mails in pure HTML that their message was destroyed.
Even if this option is not ideal with the honest shippers, it can
constitute a last recourse against the morons while avoiding to let
them know that the letter-box is consulted.
The option -m makes it possible to use the file of its choice
for contents of warning emails to be sent instead of using the file
mail-suphtm.en provided with Libremail.
By defect, the list of the shippers of mails in pure HTML which one
destroys the messages is not preserved.
If one wishes to do it, the option -t makes it possible to choose
the name of the file which will contain the addresses of (declared)
shipper of these mails and the date of their destruction.
- listesimexped
Syntax : listesimexped [max_differences_number] configuration_file
Lists the mails whose sender's name differs of a small number of characters
from a name appearing on a list.
The list of the sender's name to test appears in the simexped
file located in the root directory of the mailer (4th line of the
configuration file).
By default, the listed emails are those whose sender's name has the
same length, but differs of one character from one of the sender's names
in the list.
If a character appears in lowercase on one side and upercase on the other,
it is not counted as a difference.
The optional parameter max_differences_number allows to list
also mails whose sender's name differs of more than one character from
one of the sender's names in the list.
- supsimexped
Syntax : supsimexped [max_differences_number] [-t trace_file]
Remove from the server the mails whose sender's name differs of a small
number of characters from a name appearing on a list.
As for listesimexped command, the list of the sender's name to test
appears in the simexped file located in the root directory of the
mailer (4th line of the configuration file).
By default, the removed emails are those whose sender's name has the
same length, but differs of one character from one of the sender's names
in the list.
If a character appears in lowercase on one side and upercase on the other,
it is not counted as a difference.
The optional parameter max_differences_number allows to remove
also mails whose sender's name differs of more than one character from
one of the sender's names in the list.
By default, the list of the sender's names whose messages are destroyed
is not kept.
If you wish do it, the option -t allows to choose the name of the
file that will contain the sender's field of these mails and the date
of their destruction.
- supgrosmail
Syntax: supgrosmail [-m email_answer_file] max_size configuration_file
Destroy the mails which exceed a size limit and which does not come
from a shipper authorized to send them.
The addresses of authorized shippers are memorized in the file
accept_gros located in the root directory of the mailer
(4th line of the configuration file).
The shipper of these messages is warned by a mail which is also sent
copies some with the recipient of the destroyed message.
The option -m makes it possible to use the file of its choice
for contents of warning emails to be sent instead of using the file
mail-supgros.en provided with Libremail.
With this option, it is even possible to send different messages
according to the size from the refused email. For that, the only thing
to do is to launch several successive supgrosmail commands
with different settings.
- supbcc
Syntax: supbcc [-pd|-p prefix|-s] [-m email_answer_file]
[-t trace_file] configuration_file
Destroy the mails received in hidden copy, and try to inform the shippers
of these mails.
By default, the mail of warning is sent with the true one addresses of
the shipper. The problem is that certain shippers of spams use the
addresses of the messages sent in response for spammer even more!
The option -p makes it possible to add a prefix with the address
which will appear in the heading of the generated mail.
The prefix by default (option -pd) is supbcc.
For example if the address of the shipper is:,
the shipper appearing in the heading of the mail sent will be:
A chosen prefix can be put the using syntax:
supbcc -p chosen_prefix configuration_file
The option -s is a "quiet" option. No mail is sent to inform the
shippers of mails in hidden copy that their message was destroyed.
Even if this option is not ideal with the honest shippers, it can
constitute a last recourse against the morons while avoiding letting
them know that the letter-boxes is consulted.
The option -m makes it possible to use the file of its choice
for contents of warning emails to be sent instead of using the file
mail-supbcc.en provided with Libremail.
By default, the list of the shippers of mails in hidden copy whose messages
are destroyed is not preserved.
If one wishes to do it, the option -t makes it possible to choose
the name of the file which will contain the addresses of (declared)
shipper of these mails and the date of their destruction.
- detruitmail
Syntax: detruitmail (-a|mail_number_list) configuration_file
Destroy from the server of transport the mails whose numbers are passed
as a parameter.
The mails numbers are those displayed by the command sjmails .
With the option -a, all the mails present on the server of
transport are destroyed.
If not, one can indicate one or more mail numbers to be destroyed.
If there are several mails to destroy, their numbers are separated
by , (without space between the numbers).
One can also define intervals by using the character - :
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