Environment variables of Libremail

Libremail uses 3 kinds of environment variables:

Variables defined by the user

libremail_cfg allows the user to define the directory where are the configuration files of its mails boxes.
libremail_bright allows the user to define the color to put information in obviousness by a displaying it in intensified brightness.
libremail_dark allows the user to define the color of the lines concerning the directories which do not contain any email.
libremail_new allows the user to define a character to put in first column in vmailsj to indicate the mails not yet read.
libremail_errtimeout allows the user to define the duration of display for several error messages or warnings.
libremail_xorig allows the user to define what will be displayed for the mails whose sender field From: was modified by an intermediate distributor.

Variables initialized by vmaildir or vmailsj

mailenv is initialized by the tool vmaildir and used by other tools of Libremail. It contains the directory in which the emails intended are memorized to be sent.
mailpoub is initialized by the tool vmaildir and used by vmailsj and vmailfic.
It contains the directory towards which the emails sent to the dustbin are moved.
libremail-cmd-trad is initialized by the tool vmailsj and used by vmailfic to memorize the name of the file which will contain the call of the automatic translation software of to be used to translate the email.
By using the same file for all the emails consulted from the same call of vmailsj we avoid to ask again the language of the email to the user for each consulted email.

System variables nonspecific to Libremail

EDITOR is an optional environment variable nonspecific to Libremail.
It makes it possible the user to specify the text editor of his choice to write the emails. By default, the editor vi is used.
LANG is a system environment variable which contains the language of the user. When no file deflang-libremail is present, this variable is used by Libremail to determine the display language of the messages intended for the user and the language for sending the emails generated by several filtering tools. It is useful also to choose the character set (ISO-8859-n or UTF-8) used to display texts.
PATH is a system environment variable which contains the list of access paths to the command files. It allows Libremail to find the file mess-libremail (messages which can be sent to the user) as well as contents of the emails generated by several filtering tools.

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