Viewing the downloaded mails
These tools display the totality of information without additional
intervention of the operator. One can redirect the screen output
towards a file or the printer.
- sjfmails
Syntax: sjfmails [-(s|d [nb_lines_messages])] [-w width] [-i] [-(n|N)]
Display the characteristics of the files mails present in a
particular directory.
2 views are available:
- wide display (-d option)
on several lines with possibility of seeing the beginning of the
- simplified display (-s option)
a line for each mail. In this last case, the tool chooses between
the display of the shipper or the recipient according to the first
letter of the filename (leaving or entering mail).
The mails are classified by order ascending of the filenames.
In this view, the displayed lines contain by default 80 characters.
The option -w allows to modify the number of characters per
The option -n displays at the beginning of line the letter
N for the mail files whose name ends with the suffix .n
i.e. those which were not still read by the command vmailfic.
The option -N does not display the mail files whose name ends
by the suffix .n
By default, the mails are sorted by crescent numerical order of
the filenames (or by crescent ASCII order if files coming from
Microsoft Internet mail appear in the directory).
The option -i reverses the display order. The mails are
sorted by decreasing numerical order of the filenames (or by
decreasing ASCII order).
- voirfmail
Syntax: voirfmail [-(h|H|b|B)] mail_file_name
Display the contents of a particular mail file.
If the e-mail file has several sections, this command displays
the text of the e-mail and the names of the attached files.
By default, when the mail is available both in text version (text/plain)
and in html version (text/html), the version text/plain that is
Four options allow to display the text/html section after doing
several changes to make the content more readable.
- The option -h displays the text/html section such as
it is in the mail.
- The option -H displays the text of the text/html section
after taking off HTML tags and converting special characters
written &...;
- The option -b displays the part of text/html section
from the tag <body ...>
- The option -B displays the text of the part of the
text/html section from the tag <body ...> after
taking off HTML tags and converting several special
The interest of the options -b and -B is to avoid to
display the list of CSS definitions which is sometimes very long
on several mails without necessarily using the majority of these
definitions later in the mail !
Contrarily to the options -h and -H , they allow
to limit the display to the most important.
If a attached filename has at least 2 extensions, or only one
extention other than .exe , and than the contents of the
file starts with the signature of achievable MS-DOS/Windows, the
indication the indication VIRUS ? will be also displayed.
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