Integrated environment for processing the mail files
These tools are displayed in page layout view. They take account of
the size of the display zone. They are conversational tools:
- the arrows and other keys make it possible to move in the text
- these tools are called the ones the others.
- vmaildir
Syntax: vmaildir [-(c|n)] [-i] [directory]
Display the tree structure of the directories intended for the mail
files and allows:
- to select a directory (by call of vmailsj)
- to create a new mail (by call of cremail)
A display in 3 colors makes it possible to locate the directories
containing some unread mails which are displayed in intensified
brightness, and the directories not containing any email, which
appear by default in dark blue.
Environment variables libremail_bright and
libremail_dark makes it possible to change the color of
highlighted lines.
However, the analysis which does not carry that on the filenames
is less accurate than that of vmailsj .
The option -c displays on the left of directory name the
number of mail files not yet read by vmailfic (for which the
name ends with the suffix .n) and the full number of mail
files of the directory.
The option -n displays on the left of directory name only
the number of emails not yet read by vmailfic.
The option -i is not used directly by vmaildir but passed in
parameter at when vmailsj is called to reverse the display order.
Too minor defect to justify a correction:
The first time that one creates or that a mail is removed,
subdirectory (sortie or poubelle) is created. It will not appear
immediatly in the list of the displayed directories. It will be
necessary to start again vmaildir to see it.
- vmailsj
Syntax: vmailsj [-i] [directory]
Display the principal characteristics of the files mail of a
directory (a line by mail).
By default, mails are sorted by date and hour crescents. A correction
between the time zone of the email sender and the time zone of the
reader is carried out.
The option -i makes it possible to reverse the display order.
According to the nature of the mail (entering or outgoing), it is
either the shipper, or the recipient which is displayed.
One can:
- print this list of mails
- seek in the list a particular mail starting from character
strings appearing in one of the fields posted
- select a mail to examine it (call of vmailfic)
- answer, transfer it or destroy it
- modify it if it is a mail on standby sending
- add enclose files (if mail on standby of sending)
- create a new mail (call of cremail)
- recover the name of a file mail, to examine it without conversion
The not yet visualized entering mails (.n suffix) are displayed in
intensified brightness.
After the first examination, these files are displayed in normal
brightness or do not appear any more in the list if they were removed.
The environment variable libremail_new makes it possible to
specify a character to be displayed at the beginning of line for the
emails not yet visualized. It is an alternative to the intensified
brightness for the Braille terminals.
- vmailfic
Syntax: vmailfic mail_filename
Displays the contents of a mail file (text of the mail and names of
the attached files) and allows:
- to answer it (call of the tool repmail)
- to transfer it (call of the tool trsfmail)
- to remove it
the mail file is initially sent in a trash directory "poubelle".
If it is there already, this file is removed.
- to recover an e-mail appearing in the directory "poubelle".
- to print it
- to seek character strings appearing in this mail
- to modify it (authorized only for the files mail on standby of
- d'obtenir la traduction du mail (via un logiciel de traduction
automatique en ligne de commande comme Apertium).
- to join files if mail on standby of sending (call tool to
- to extract the files joined to the mail (call of recuppj)
- to copy the complete mail, the message alone or the address of the
shipper in another file, or to add the address of the shipper
in the address book (file carnet-adr) or in the list of
the shippers
refused (file refus_adr).
- to recover the name of the file containing the mail.
- If an e-mail is multi section, one can choose to display the
text/html section instead of the text/plain section.
- When displaying a text/html section, you can choose to display
the html text as it is writen or without the html tags. You can
also choose to ignore all the html code which is before the tag
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