Data processing specialist, that's a long time I write myself the majority
of the software I need.
This web site is intended to present to you the whole part of applications
of electronic mail I developed.
These softwares functions under GNU/Linux and should normaly run without any
modification under the other UNIX systems.
On the other hand, I did not consider it useful (and a fortiori priority) to
adapt these applications to make them run also under Windows.
You will find on this web site:
the explanation of the reasons which led me to write this series of
what I reproach the leader mail program of the market
the description of the functionalities of the various applications
which I carried out sorted by categories of tools
the choices that I made about protocols of electronic mail to preserve
software (enough) simple, but despite everything quasi universal
the totality of the sources, very strongly commented, of the various
the possibility to download them
all what you can do with this series of software (a text without
excess of juridism presenting my design of a free software)
and to finish, some links towards web sites which helped me to write
the various applications.
At the beginning, after having written and commented my source files in
French, I thought of limiting me to this language for their diffusion.
That would have already been a positive point compared to the excess of
domination of the language of Bill Gates that it is tied more to the
influence of a country than to linguistic qualities that would justify
to choose it as an international language.
However, there is no objective reason to do with the French language
what others do with the English one&npsp;: trying to impose it as
the language of the world.
So, for a better diffusion to non French-speakers, I decided to use
machine translation software to carry out a multilingual version.
In all way, the readers of this web site will be able to contribute to
work of translation in the language of their choice.
The Libremail software e-mail suite does not have any relationship
with the service lodging e-mails accounts
of libreasso.
Let see these websites to know some more.
Another Web site appeared in 2005 used the name Libremail to propose
a commercial antispam, which involved a confusion with the free tools
for filtering of this site. The owner of the competitor Web site however
agreed to change the name of his product.